

Welcome to the API for MAIA Util!

MAIA Util is a JavaScript package used by Music Artificial Intelligence Algorithms, Inc. in various applications that we have produced or are developing currently.

If you already know about JavaScript app development and music computing, then probably the best starting point is the NPM package.

If you have a music computing background but know little about JavaScript, then the tutorials menu is a good place to start. There are also some fancier-looking demos available here, all of which involve MAIA Util methods to some degree.

If you don't know much about music or music computing, then the fancier-looking demos are still the best place to start, to get hooked on exploring web-based, interactive music interfaces.

This documentation is in the process of being completed. Some functions have not had their existing documentation converted to JSDoc format yet.

  • 0.2.11
  • Tom Collins and Christian Coulon